math help

What is 8/9 - 10/11?

What is 8/9 - 10/11?

Here's how to subtract 10/11 from 8/9:


Step 1

We can't subtract two fractions with different denominators. So you need to get a common denominator. To do this, you'll multiply the denominators times each other... but the numerators have to change, too. They get multiplied by the other term's denominator.

So we multiply 8 by 11, and get 88.

Then we multiply 10 by 9, and get 90.

Next we give both terms new denominators -- 9 × 11 = 99.

So now our fractions look like this:


Step 2

Since our denominators match, we can subtract the numerators.

88 − 90 = -2

So the answer is:


Step 3

Last of all, we need to simplify the fraction, if possible. Can it be reduced to a simpler fraction?

To find out, we try dividing it by 2...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 3...

No good. 3 is larger than -2. So we're done reducing.

There you have it! The final answer is:

10/11 + 1/2
10/11 - 1/2
10/11 + 1/3
10/11 - 1/3
10/11 + 2/3
10/11 - 2/3
10/11 + 1/4
10/11 - 1/4
10/11 + 2/4
10/11 - 2/4
10/11 + 3/4
10/11 - 3/4
10/11 + 1/5
10/11 - 1/5
10/11 + 2/5
10/11 - 2/5
10/11 + 3/5
10/11 - 3/5
10/11 + 4/5
10/11 - 4/5
10/11 + 1/6
10/11 - 1/6
10/11 + 2/6
10/11 - 2/6
10/11 + 3/6
10/11 - 3/6
10/11 + 4/6
10/11 - 4/6
10/11 + 5/6
10/11 - 5/6
10/11 + 1/7
10/11 - 1/7
10/11 + 2/7
10/11 - 2/7
10/11 + 3/7
10/11 - 3/7
10/11 + 4/7
10/11 - 4/7
10/11 + 5/7
10/11 - 5/7
10/11 + 6/7
10/11 - 6/7
10/11 + 1/8
10/11 - 1/8
10/11 + 2/8
10/11 - 2/8
10/11 + 3/8
10/11 - 3/8
10/11 + 4/8
10/11 - 4/8
10/11 + 5/8
10/11 - 5/8
10/11 + 6/8
10/11 - 6/8
10/11 + 7/8
10/11 - 7/8
10/11 + 1/9
10/11 - 1/9
10/11 + 2/9
10/11 - 2/9
10/11 + 3/9
10/11 - 3/9
10/11 + 4/9
10/11 - 4/9
10/11 + 5/9
10/11 - 5/9
10/11 + 6/9
10/11 - 6/9
10/11 + 7/9
10/11 - 7/9
10/11 + 8/9
10/11 - 8/9
10/11 + 1/10
10/11 - 1/10
10/11 + 2/10
10/11 - 2/10
10/11 + 3/10
10/11 - 3/10
10/11 + 4/10
10/11 - 4/10
10/11 + 5/10
10/11 - 5/10
10/11 + 6/10
10/11 - 6/10
10/11 + 7/10
10/11 - 7/10
10/11 + 8/10
10/11 - 8/10
10/11 + 9/10
10/11 - 9/10
10/11 + 1/11
10/11 - 1/11
10/11 + 2/11
10/11 - 2/11
10/11 + 3/11
10/11 - 3/11
10/11 + 4/11
10/11 - 4/11
10/11 + 5/11
10/11 - 5/11
10/11 + 6/11
10/11 - 6/11
10/11 + 7/11
10/11 - 7/11
10/11 + 8/11
10/11 - 8/11
10/11 + 9/11
10/11 - 9/11
10/11 + 10/11
10/11 - 10/11
10/11 + 1/12
10/11 - 1/12
10/11 + 2/12
10/11 - 2/12
10/11 + 3/12
10/11 - 3/12
10/11 + 4/12
10/11 - 4/12
10/11 + 5/12
10/11 - 5/12
10/11 + 6/12
10/11 - 6/12
10/11 + 7/12
10/11 - 7/12
10/11 + 8/12
10/11 - 8/12
10/11 + 9/12
10/11 - 9/12
10/11 + 10/12
10/11 - 10/12
10/11 + 11/12
10/11 - 11/12