math help

What is 3/64 + 7/11?

What is 3/64 + 7/11?

Let's add


Step 1

We still have different denominators (bottom numbers), though, so we need to get a common denominator. This will make the bottom numbers match. Multiply the denominators together first. Now, multiply each numerator by the other term's denominator.

Now we multiply 3 by 11, and get 33, then we multiply 64 by 11 and get 704.

3/64 times 11

Now for the second term. You multiply 7 by 64, and get 448, then multiply 64 by 11 and get 704.

7/11 times 64

This gives us a new problem that looks like so:


Step 2

Since our denominators match, we can add the numerators.

33 + 448 = 481

So what's the answer so far?


Step 3

Can this fraction be reduced?

First, we attempt to divide it by 2...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 3...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 5...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 7...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 11...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 13...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 17...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 19...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 23...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 29...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 31...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 37...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 41...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 43...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 47...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 53...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 59...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 61...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 67...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 71...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 73...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 79...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 83...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 89...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 97...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 101...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 103...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 107...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 109...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 113...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 127...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 131...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 137...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 139...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 149...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 151...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 157...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 163...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 167...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 173...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 179...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 181...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 191...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 193...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 197...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 199...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 211...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 223...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 227...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 229...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 233...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 239...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 241...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 251...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 257...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 263...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 269...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 271...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 277...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 281...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 283...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 293...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 307...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 311...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 313...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 317...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 331...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 337...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 347...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 349...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 353...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 359...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 367...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 373...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 379...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 383...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 389...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 397...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 401...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 409...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 419...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 421...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 431...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 433...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 439...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 443...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 449...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 457...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 461...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 463...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 467...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 479...

Nope. Try the next prime number, 487...

No good. 487 is larger than 481. So we're done reducing.

Congratulations! Here's your final answer to 3/64 + 7/11

© 2014 Randy Tayler