Here's how we add
Step 1Can you add yet? Nope! The denominators don't match. We need a common denominator. So next we take both denominators and multiply them. Next, take each numerator and multiply it by the denominator of the other term. So, we multiply 5 by 12, and get 60, then we multiply 11 by 12 and get 132. Now for the second term. You multiply 11 by 11, and get 121, then multiply 11 by 12 and get 132. We now have a new problem, that looks like this:
Step 2Since our denominators match, we can add the numerators. 60 + 121 = 181 That gives us the sum, which is
Step 3Now, do we need to simplify this fraction? First, we attempt to divide it by 2... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 3... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 5... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 7... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 11... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 13... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 17... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 19... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 23... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 29... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 31... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 37... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 41... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 43... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 47... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 53... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 59... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 61... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 67... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 71... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 73... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 79... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 83... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 89... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 97... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 101... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 103... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 107... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 109... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 113... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 127... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 131... Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 137... No good. 137 is larger than 132. So we're done reducing. There you have it! Here's the final answer to 5/11 + 11/12