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What is 3/64 + 8/11?

What is 3/64 + 8/11?

This is how you add


Step 1

Of course, you can't add two fractions if the denominators (bottom numbers) don't match. To get a common denominator, multiply the denominators together. Then we fix the numerators by multiplying each one by their other term's denominator.

Now you multiply 3 by 11, and get 33, then we multiply 64 by 11 and get 704.

3/64 times 11

Do the same for the second term. We multiply 8 by 64, and get 512, then multiply 64 by 11 and get 704.

8/11 times 64

The problem now has new fractions to add:


Step 2

Since our denominators match, we can add the numerators.

33 + 512 = 545

The sum we get is


Step 3

The last step is to reduce the fraction if we can.

To find out, we try dividing it by 2...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 3...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 5...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 7...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 11...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 13...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 17...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 19...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 23...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 29...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 31...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 37...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 41...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 43...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 47...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 53...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 59...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 61...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 67...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 71...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 73...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 79...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 83...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 89...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 97...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 101...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 103...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 107...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 109...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 113...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 127...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 131...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 137...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 139...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 149...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 151...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 157...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 163...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 167...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 173...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 179...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 181...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 191...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 193...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 197...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 199...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 211...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 223...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 227...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 229...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 233...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 239...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 241...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 251...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 257...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 263...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 269...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 271...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 277...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 281...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 283...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 293...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 307...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 311...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 313...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 317...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 331...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 337...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 347...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 349...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 353...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 359...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 367...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 373...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 379...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 383...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 389...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 397...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 401...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 409...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 419...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 421...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 431...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 433...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 439...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 443...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 449...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 457...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 461...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 463...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 467...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 479...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 487...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 491...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 499...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 503...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 509...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 521...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 523...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 541...

No good. So next you try the next prime number, which is 547...

No good. 547 is larger than 545. So we're done reducing.

And we're done! Here's the final answer to 3/64 + 8/11

© 2014 Randy Tayler