Here's how to add
Step 1Our denominators (bottom numbers) don't match, so we can't add yet. Since 6 is evenly divided by 12, we can multiply just one term to get a common denominator. Multiply 2 by 2, and get 4, then we multiply 6 by 2 and get 12. So now our fractions look like this:
Step 2Since our denominators match, we can add the numerators. 4 + 8 = 12 Now we have an answer.
Step 3Last of all, we need to simplify the fraction, if possible. Can it be reduced to a simpler fraction? To find out, we try dividing it by 2... Are both the numerator and the denominator evenly divisible by 2? Yes! So we reduce it:
Now, try the same number again. Are both the numerator and the denominator evenly divisible by 2? Yes! So we reduce it:
Now, try the same number again. Nope. Try the next prime number, 3... Are both the numerator and the denominator evenly divisible by 3? Yes! So we reduce it:
Now, try the same number again. No good. 3 is larger than 1. So we're done reducing. Congratulations! Here's your final answer to 2/6 + 8/12