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What is 7/12 + 6/11?

What is 7/12 + 6/11?

Let's add


Step 1

We can't add two fractions with different denominators (the bottom number). So you need to get a common denominator - both bottom numbers need to match. To do this, you'll multiply the denominators times each other... but the numerators have to change, too. They get multiplied by the other term's denominator.

So we multiply 7 by 11, and get 77, then we multiply 12 by 11 and get 132.

7/12 times 11

Do the same for the second term. We multiply 6 by 12, and get 72, then multiply 12 by 11 and get 132.

6/11 times 12

So now our fractions look like this:


Step 2

Since our denominators match, we can add the numerators.

77 + 72 = 149

Now we have an answer.


Step 3

Last of all, we need to simplify the fraction, if possible. Can it be reduced to a simpler fraction?

To find out, we try dividing it by 2...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 3...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 5...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 7...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 11...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 13...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 17...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 19...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 23...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 29...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 31...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 37...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 41...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 43...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 47...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 53...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 59...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 61...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 67...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 71...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 73...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 79...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 83...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 89...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 97...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 101...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 103...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 107...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 109...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 113...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 127...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 131...

Nope! So now we try the next greatest prime number, 137...

No good. 137 is larger than 132. So we're done reducing.

There you have it! Here's the final answer to 7/12 + 6/11

© 2014 Randy Tayler